
Our sense of smell is the most mysterious of the five senses. Iā€™m sure you have experienced smelling something that transported you through time to recapture a moment you experienced long after it actually happened.

The olfactory bulb, situated at the base of our brain, is a tiny organ, responsible for smelling scents. Good and bad, it keeps us safe and mysteriously manages to link scents and emotion, creating scent memories that sometimes stay with us for an entire lifetime.

The  memories are filed within a complex arrangement of cells called the limbic system which manages behaviour, emotion and arousal.

Virginia Di Somma, the founder, curator and perfumer of THE OLFACTORY, began investigating the healing and psychological benefits of using pure essential oils in perfumes as her awareness about the harmful use of synthesized imitations used in traditional perfumery, grew.

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Blessings and Arohanui x